WARMACHINE/HORDES > CID : Intégration continue de développement des profils
Insider - les prochains CID
La source: https://home.privateerpress.com/2019/05/09/the-future-of-cid/?fbclid=IwAR3uOEyJ3YbcB3Ol6sYYQzBOJ_dfSbDTYdZ81ok9vzS2M-6FE0hnFdvK5JM
--- Citer ---Actually, we’re taking a small break.
Infernals and the Oblivion releases are going to last us quite a while. And by quite a while, I mean through this year and perhaps into the beginning of next year.
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--- Citer ---So, is CID completely done until next year? No, no. Don’t worry. We still have some goals on our plate for WARMACHINE & HORDES, and that means we have CIDs to accompany them. We’re not prepared to discuss the details of those yet, but they are coming…eventually.
What this really means, more concisely, is that there is likely to be a couple-month-long break between now and the next CID. This will let the game and the meta surrounding it develop and settle a bit before we get back into the swing of CID cycles. We feel this is the perfect time to let people take a breath and just enjoy the models they have without constantly looking to the horizon to “see what is coming out next.”
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--- Citer ---I figured the best way to close this Insider is by providing a handy breakdown of the above in an easily digestible list. As always, any of these things are subject to change.
Infernal and Oblivion releases are scheduled to come out over the course of this year;
We are currently developing the releases that will follow Infernals and Oblivion;
Future WARMACHINE & HORDES releases will feature CIDs as normal;
There is no public timetable for when the CID for those future releases will occur, but it will likely be a couple months at least;
The development team will be keeping a close eye on the current and future meta of WARMACHINE & HORDES and reserves the right to provide dynamic updates to correct aberrations from warping the game.
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Bon ben voilà...
ça fait beaucoup de texte pour bien peu d'info... :-[
Beaucoup de "future" et pas beaucoup de corrections sur les merdes du passé.
Ils ont pas prévu de nerf lord of the feast?
Ptit Nico:
--- Citation de: Allan255 le 10 mai 2019 à 09:32:47 ---Beaucoup de "future" et pas beaucoup de corrections sur les merdes du passé.
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--- Citation de: xanntrey le 10 mai 2019 à 09:59:00 ---Ils ont pas prévu de nerf lord of the feast?
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Peut-être, peut-être pas :
--- Citer ---The development team will be keeping a close eye on the current and future meta of WARMACHINE & HORDES and reserves the right to provide dynamic updates to correct aberrations from warping the game.
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