WARMACHINE/HORDES > CID : Intégration continue de développement des profils
Ptit Nico:
Tiré du podcast Blight Bringers :
Spoiler from The Meta for Yssylla (Riot Quest Ice Witch Solo) highly recommend listening to the episode!
Speed 6, Rat 5, Mat 4, Def 14. Arm 11
Immunity to Cold and Corrosion. Stealth.
Unleash the Arcane: Once per turn when this model hits an enemy model with a magic attack, immediately after the attack is resolved, this model may make a magic attack or magic ability special action.
Magic 8
Puppet Master
Shatter Storm
Toxic Blizzard (Rng 10", AoE 4, Models hit take a Pow 10 Cold damage roll and suffer continuous corrosion.)
Virtue Host and Virtue Champion have multiple attacks and Peel Back the Layers
Peel Back the Layers: This model gains boosted melee attack and damage rolls vs models suffering continuous corrosion.
John McForester:
From Hungerford in #legion Discord
There are no model nerfs in the CID
24 Legacy Models in CID
Warlocks are Kryssa and Bethayne1
Character beasts are part of the CID
Some Nephilim are part of the CID
Some changes are minor point changes (See: Annyssa)
Others are big changes (Swordsman Abbot's new Prayers)
-- Theme Changes --
Thrones are being added to Children of the Dragon
Virtues and Yssylla go in Children and Oracles
Blight Archon is in every theme
"The corrosion effect of Oracles is espcially potent with the new models" (See our last post on Peel Back the Layers)
Possible fix to CotD's Tactician theme bonus this go around.
-- Spell Changes --
"Who's excited for Deceleration?"
In regards to Kryssa getting Deceleration: "Kryssa? That's a funny way to spell Bethayne 1 (and all her other new spells, and new feat, and Belaphagor's [sic] new ... )
John McForester:
Angelius 15 points et c'est pas tout
Depuis le temps qu'on dit que cest -2 pts sur toutes les beasts ^^
CID up, en section CID
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