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Mise à jour orboros
« le: 16 novembre 2021 à 15:40:07 »
Bonjour à tous

Pouvez vous me dire où trouver la mise à jour Orboros ou la mettre visible si après . Merci
de scheerder david 
Membre du club l alliance ( lallaing 59167 )
ecole Leclerc
( hordes/warmachine;battle;40k;confront;anima tactics;alkemy , bolt action )

Hors ligne Krador

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Re : Mise à jour orboros
« Réponse #1 le: 25 novembre 2021 à 11:44:10 »

Tu peux trouver une mise à jour dans Warmachine University :

Hors ligne baldur59

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Re : Mise à jour orboros
« Réponse #2 le: 25 novembre 2021 à 13:34:59 »
Merci a toi.
de scheerder david 
Membre du club l alliance ( lallaing 59167 )
ecole Leclerc
( hordes/warmachine;battle;40k;confront;anima tactics;alkemy , bolt action )

Hors ligne Krador

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Re : Mise à jour orboros
« Réponse #3 le: 25 novembre 2021 à 14:45:42 »
Sinon, tout est là :

Circle Orboros


Baldur, the Stonecleaver New Text for Solid Ground
    Solid Ground - While in the spellcaster’s control range, friendly Faction models cannot become knocked down and gain Blast Resistance. (A model with Blast Resistance gains +4 ARM against blast damage.)

Bradigus, Thorle the Runecarver Stones Throw becomes ROF 1 with Reload [2], becomes FURY 7 (+1)

Kaya, the Moonhunter Gains Field Marshal [Unyielding]

Kaya, the Wildborne Gain spell Jumpstart, Soothing Song stops being a spell and becomes a baseline ability:
    Soothing Song - Once per turn, anytime during your activation phase except while activating a model, this model can spend 1 fury to remove up to 1 fury point from each friendly living Faction warbeast in this model’s control range.

Kaya, the Wildheart Gain spell Flashing Blade, Soothing Song stops being a spell and becomes a baseline ability:
    Soothing Song - Once per turn, anytime during your activation phase except while activating a model, this model can spend 1 fury to remove up to 1 fury point from each friendly living Faction warbeast in this model’s control range.

Kromac the Ravenous 28 WBPs (+2)

Krueger, the Stormlord Next text for Windstorm:
While in the spellcaster’s control range, enemy models’ range weapons with a RNG greater than 8 suffer –5 RNG on affected ranged attacks to a minimum of 8. When an enemy AOE ranged attack deviates from a point in this model’s control range, after determining the deviation distance, you choose the deviation direction. Windstorm lasts for one round.

Mohshar the Desertwalker Maltreatment text changes, Sunhammer text changes:
    Maltreatment - Once per turn, anytime during your activation phase except while activating another model, this model can remove 1 fury point from a warbeast in its battlegroup that is in its control range and add 1 fury point to its own current total. The warbeast suffers d3 damage points.
Sunhammer - Enemy non-warrior models in a battlegroup that advance more than 1˝ and end their Normal Movement in the spellcaster’s control range suffer d3+1 damage points.

Morvahna the Autumblade new text for Sacrificial Pawn

Wurmwood, the Tree of Fate cut Prowl and gains Just a Tree?
    Just a Tree? - This model is not a living model and while it has concealment, it gains Stealth xiconx.


Argus Moonhound 5pts (-1)

Brennos the Elderhorn 11 STR (+1), Horns P+S 15 (+1), Oaken Staff P+S (+1), 14pts (-1)

Feral Warpwolf 14pts (-2), 12 STR (+1), Bite P+S 15 (+1), Claw P+S 16 (+1), New Primal spell text:
Target friendly living Faction warbeast gains +1 STR and MAT for one round.

Ghetorix 17pts (-2), 12 STR (+1),  Bite P+S 15 (+1), Great Axe P+S 18 (+1)

Gnarlhorn Satyr 10pts (-2)

Gorax Rager 6pts (-1), New Primal spell text:
Target friendly living Faction warbeast gains +1 STR and MAT for one round.

Loki 15pts (-4), 12 STR (+1),  Bite P+S 15 (+1), Battle Shield P+S 15 (+1), Thrown Hook P+S 16 (+1), New text for Shield Guard, New Drag Text:
When this attack hits an enemy model with an equal or smaller base, immediately after the attack is resolved the enemy model can be pushed directly toward this model until it contacts a model, an obstacle, or an obstruction. After the enemy model is moved, this model can make one basic melee attack against the enemy model. After resolving this melee attack, this model can make additional melee attacks during its Combat Action.

Megalith 17pts (-3), Bountiful Restoration becomes:
    During your Control Phase, remove d3 damage points from this model. If a friendly Woldwarden is within 1” of this model during your Control Phase, the Woldwarden removes d3 damage points for Mend instead of 1 damage point.

Pureblood Warpwolf 15pts (-2), 11 STR (+1), Claw P+S 15 (+1),

Razorwing Griffon POW 4 (+1) on Claw Blades P+S 12 (+1)

Rip Horn Satyr 11pts (-3)

Rotterhorn Griffon POW 4 (+1) on Claw P+S 12 (+1)

Shadowhorn Satyr 10pts (-2), 11 STR (+1), Horns P+S 15 (+1), Claw P+S 14 (+1)

Scarsfell Griffon POW 4 (+1) on Claw P+S 12 (+1)

Storm Raptor New text for Flying High
Ranged attacks targeting this model with a RNG greater than 8 suffer –3 RNG to a minimum of 8. Friendly models can advance through this model if they have enough movement to move completely past its base. This model loses Flying High if it loses Flight XICONX.

Warpwolf Stalker 15pts (-2), 12 STR (+1),  Claw P+S 16 (+1), Great Sword P+S 18 (+1)

Wild Argus 6pts (-1)

Winter Argus RAT 5 (+1), 7pts (-1)

Wold Guardian New text for Shield Guard

Wold Wight 4pts (-1), New text for Shield Guard

Woldwarden 13pts (-1)

Woldwatcher STR 9 (+1), Rune Fist P+S 13 (+1)

Woldwrath 31pts (-6), weapons become magical

Woldwyrd 8pts (-1)


Celestial Fulcrum 16pts (-3), +5 boxes

Well of Orboros Opening the Gate can only get a friendly living non-character Faction solo


Blackclad Stoneshaper 2pts (-1)

Blackclad Wayfarer 3pts (-1)

Gallows Grove cut Prowl and gains Just a Tree?
    Just a Tree? - This model is not a living model and while it has concealment, it gains Stealth xiconx.

Lord of the Feast 5pts (-1)

Reeve Hunter Leadership also grants Gunfighter, gains Gunfighter, POW of Double Crossbow becomes 10 (+2)

Shivers New text for Shield Guard

Tharn Wolf Rider Champion 6pts (-1)

Una the Falconer 3pts (-1)

War Wolf ARM 13 (+1)

Wolf Lord Morraig ARM 19 (+2)


Brighid & Caul New text for Shield Guard

Death Wolves Cannibal Magic gains another sentence before its current text:
    This model begins the game with one corpse token.

Druid Mist Riders 10/16pts (-2/-4), MAT 6 (+1), Magic ability 7 (+1), gain Prowl, gain Immunity: Electricity

Druids of Orboros 7pts (-3)

Reeves of Orboros 9/15pts (-1/-1), POW of Double Crossbow becomes 10 (+2)

Stoneward & Woldstalkers 8pts (-2)

Warpborn Skinwalkers 8/13pts (-1/-2)

Wolves of Orboros STR 6 (+1), POW 5 (+1), P+S 11 (+2)


Druid Wilder 3pts (-1)

Reeve of Orboros Chieftain & Standard POW of Double Crossbow becomes 10 (+2), Cut entire second sentence from the War-Tempered reminder text

Stone Keeper 1pt (-1)

Tharn Blood Shaman 3pts (-1)

Warpborn Skinwalker Alpha 3pts (-1)

Wolves of Orboros Chieftain & Standard 3pts (-1), STR 6 (+1), POW 5 (+1), P+S 11 (+2)
« Modifié: 25 novembre 2021 à 14:51:32 par Krador »

Hors ligne baldur59

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Re : Mise à jour orboros
« Réponse #4 le: 25 novembre 2021 à 16:30:33 »
 C’Est encore mieux , merci beaucoup.
de scheerder david 
Membre du club l alliance ( lallaing 59167 )
ecole Leclerc
( hordes/warmachine;battle;40k;confront;anima tactics;alkemy , bolt action )