COMMUNAUTÉ > French Open 2012 in Lyon, May 26/27

French Open 2012 Rule Set

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The Rule Set for the French Open 2012 is online!

Update April 23rd: Hobby Grid

Download it here:

• Address:   Maison des Associations Château Sans-Souci
      36 avenue Lacassagne
      69003 Lyon
• Format:   50 points on Sat./35 points on Sun.
• Entry fee:   20 €/player
• Website:
• E-mail:   write to Igor at:, tag [French Open]

The French Open 2012 is the second edition of a Warmachine and Hordes tournament held in Lyon, France. This year the dates are the 26th and 27th of May. The tournament is organized by the RTS gaming club and the website. It follows the Steamroller 2012 rules with a few exceptions, notably the demand for fully painted armies. The event will reward the full hobbyist with painting and Iron Kingdoms trivia scores added to the tournament total.

The tournament consists of two parts, one 50 point 3-game day on Saturday, and one 35-point 3-game day on Sunday. Both days count towards the same tournament ranking, but each day separately follows the SR2012 Appendix Rules Baseline, 3 Lists Required and Divide and Conquer. The time will be chess-clocked. In contrast to last year, assassination is a victory condition as per the normal SR2012 rules.

Maximum attendance is 50 players.

In case of international attendance, the tournament official language will be English.

We at the organization team are extremely excited to hold this event for the second time and we hope to welcome as much French and European players as possible!


It seems that it's last year document ? All the dates are the 2011's ones, there is no assassination, etc...

I'm to dumb to find the right document by myself.


--- Citation de: Portal le 29 mars 2012 à 08:04:07 ---I'm to dumb to find the right document by myself.

--- Fin de citation ---

<geek mode /s/2011/2012 />

Sorry, wrong directory and upload shenanigans yesterday. It should be working now.



--- Citation de: schlaf le 29 mars 2012 à 09:48:27 ---<geek mode :s/2011/2012/g />

--- Fin de citation ---
Plutôt non ?


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