Pour mémoire avant mise en forme :
Power Attacks
Add the following to the end of the sixth paragraph:
A model cannot target a friendly model with a power attack.
Add the following to the end of the Massive text:
A colossal/gargantuan/battle engine cannot be affected by Grievous Wounds.
Targeting a Model in Melee, p. 50
Add to the end of this section:
Ignore the target-in-melee DEF bonus when the point of origin (p. 38)
of the ranged or magic attack is in melee with the model the attack roll
is being made against.
Gunfighter , p. 50
Replace the first two sentences with the following:
A model with the Gunfighter advantage can make ranged attacks
targeting models in its melee range and/or can target models engaging
it. A model with the Gunfighter advantage can also make free
strikes with ranged weapons.
Focus Induction, p. 94
Replace this section with:
When a warjack with an Interface Node spends a focus point during
its activation, you can give a focus point to another warjack with an
Interface Node if the two are in the same battlegroup and are within
6” of one another. Note that a warjack with an Interface Node still can
have no more than 3 focus points at a time.
Infernal Master Special Rules (Sacrifice), p. 96
Replace the first sentence with the following:
To replenish its essence points during your Control Phase, this model
can choose a friendly non-soulless model in its control range.