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CID Trollbloods
« le: 16 septembre 2020 à 19:40:07 »
Voici la première semaine du CID Trollbloods !

Je colle le post original, qui sera traduit par la suite. :)

New model rules

Brigadier General Gunnbjorn (Gunnbjorn 2)
Gunnbjorn 2 has, much like his initial iteration, a strong ranged combat element to his design and overall gameplan. However, unlike Gunnbjorn 1, Gunnbjorn 2 is almost exclusively about ranged combat. He loses the versatility of spells such as Rock Wall and a more defensive feat to become laser focused on doing one thing and doing it incredibly well: blowing stuff up from afar. This is the core of his design. Gunnbjorn 2 is THE ranged powerhouse of Trolls, but pays for it in a lack of any melee oriented utility, and Foxhole and Repo [3"] (on feat turn) as his only defensive tech.

His feat, Bombing Run, allows your army to bypass so many rules that could potentially prevent blast damage (such as Girded, trenches, etc) while cranking all that damage up to its full POW. There is counterplay to this feat, primarily your opponent spreading their forces out to try to minimize your AOE potential, but this means your opponent is positioning turn to turn based on your potential offensive output, which can greatly hinder their scenario play. Even with proper positioning, you can still run a friendly model up next to something you really need to destroy and blast your ally in the back to get the full AOE damage on an enemy caster or key model.

Gunnbjorn's spell list contains two new spells. First is Relentless Barrage, which is the Hordes version of Open Fire from Warmachine. Second is Expose, which is a powerhouse spell that requires Gunnbjorn to put himself into a potentially dangerous position to get the most use out of. Expose flat out turns off Shield Guard and Stealth on all enemy models in Gunnbjorn's control range, but that means Gunnbjorn has to be a bit up the board to get the most out of it. It's a tricky spell, its great when you need it, but if you fail to kill what you were Exposing you can find youself in a lot of trouble.

Gunnbjorn also has a list of unique Battle Plans, which act as his "fifth free spell", and all three of them are very strong. Bring it Down is especially potent on weapon Crews such as the Razorback in the new theme force, since the crew can run into position and be told to shoot (fully boosted) by Gunnbjorn and then shoot AGAIN with a Gunnery Sergeant. Relay Coordinates is the most situational of the three abilities but still has plenty of strong application, and Unload allows any warbeast to get an extra shot with its ranged weapons during its turn. Note that no trollblood warbeast currently has more than one ranged weapon, but in the future this ability could give a beast more than 1 shot if its packing more weapons.

Testing Call Out: We want to see loads of feedback on Gunnbjorn 2. Show us the lists you want to run with Gunnbjorn 2 at the helm, and what models you intend to bring with him to maximize his ranged offensive output.

Trollkin Barrage Team
The Trollkin Barrage team is straightforward, but very good at what they do. They provide incredibly long range, fairly accurate shots that can either hurt multiple infantry models or CRA a single big shot into a harder target. With Casters that can give them Snipe, such as Grim 2 or Gunnbjorn 1 this unit can sit just about anywhere they want on the table and rain down death upon their enemies.

Their Barrage ability is situational, and potentially not strong in the current competitive meta, but its still applicable in everyday gaming against hordes of light infantry and something we want them to retain.

Don't miss the fact that this unit has 5 damage boxes.

Testing Call Out: What casters and buffs are you looking to apply to this unit, and how will you use them?

Trollkin Gunnery Sergeant
The Gunnery Sergeant provides loads of value to ranged heavy lists, but especially to weapon crews. Capable of stripping Stealth from a single model, providing Artillerist, or even dropping a RNG 20 (!) ground pounder from across the board, this solo has tons of utility. That said, his most common use, we've found, is in his Ancillary Attack for weapon crews.

Note that this is specifically Ancillary Attack and not Battery Fire. This is intentional. Battery Fire allows a weapon crew to make an additional attack during its activation, but Ancillary (while shorter range to target) allows the Weapon Crew to run or charge into a position and then be told to fire by the Sergeant. Between the Sergeant and Gunnbjorn 2, the vector and ranges of weapon crews can be a bit scary for your opponent.

Farrow Sapper
The Farrow Sapper is a board position disruption piece, making it a great addition to Gunnbjorn 2 where your opponent needs to carefully position unless they get destroyed by his feat. If you take two of this solo, you can place two mine markers that you are guaranteed to be able to blow up later in the game within or near a scenario element. This can provide a decent amount of denial to where certain models can stand and strike your force.

While this solo can Ambush, don't always feel you have to.It has Stealth, Tough, and 5 damage boxes. It is sometimes better to deploy it normally and have it run up on the first turn so it can plant more mines centrally on the board. Also don't miss that when you do Ambush, this is a solo with a RNG 8, RAT 6, AOE 4 attack. You can use the sapper to really threaten your opponent's softer back line support, or shut down prominent areas where enemy snipers or archers might want to stand to take shots.

Boomhowler, the Destroyer (Boomhowler 3)
The latest incarnation of Boomhowler is a monster of support, and has recently had his offensive output increased as well (versus his initial preview a couple of months ago).

This Boomhowler has versatility, you can hold him back and just use him for Hoof It and Dinner Time before committing him to the fight later in the game. With Countercharge, even if you hold him back your opponent still has to pay attention to his positioning less they have one of their models knocked down during its own activation.

Don't miss that Shout Down its +2 to all attack rolls, not just melee. This Fell Call affects a lot of your own models (if they start in Boomhowler's command range), meaning they can't be affected by other fell calls, so make sure to use it when you don't need another Fell Call from a different source.

Finally, when Boomhowler does decide to get into combat he does two things that are new to the game. First, he has flat Amputation, not crit Amputation, making him a potential nightmare for jacks and beasts. Second, he threshers twice! Once you do manage to get him into combat try to maximize the number of models he is hitting, and then watch them explode. For better results, bring him with Madrak 2, cast Blood Fury on him, and feat. Good times.

Bumbles is a bear who likes to roll around, be petted, play catch, and murder.

Bumbles is a combat solo powerhouse, who we recently toned down by dropping his ARM a bit. Countercharge with his flat Pitch bite can be devastating to your opponent, so they must always play around it (which in turn allows you to dictate some of their positioning).

Like the Sapper, you won't always Ambush Bumbles, sometimes it is better to have him advance with the main bulk of your force under the protection of a Krielstone.

Testing Call Out: How do you intend to use Bumbles in your lists? Do you feel his offensive output is too strong at his points cost and why?

Legacy model rules

Ragnor Skysplitter, the Runemaster
We felt Ragnor was in a decent spot in the Trollblood warlock pantheon, but was missing just a few components to allow him to fully realize his potential and play to his gameplan each and every turn. The biggest problem was, he was short by 1 fury each turn. So we fixed this by upping his FURY by 1, and providing him a new spell that would also get great benefit out of his larger control range.

Finally, to play more into his Runeshaper theme and give him a unique style within the Power of Dhunia theme force, we added a Field Marshal that would provide some accuracy buffs to his (likely) melee heavy battlegroup
Gained +1 FURY
Gained the Chosen Ground Spell
Gained Weight of Stone on his melee weapon
Gained Field Marshal [Weight of Stone], providing it to the melee weapons of beasts in his battlegroup

Madrak, Great Chieftain (Madrak 3)
Unlike Ragnor, who we felt needed a few bumps to get to where we wanted him, Madrak 3 was underperforming more significantly. His feat felt a bit clunky, his spell list wasn't quiet right, and he also felt like he needed a passive buff (such as a Field Marshal) that could really define his role as an extremely defensive caster. That is what we see Madrak 3 as, a defensive trollblood caster, but we also wanted him to have at least one significant tool in his arsenal to make the most out of the models that survived into get into combat.
Feat changed so that friendly models do not suffer free strikes when they move as a result of it.
Gained +1 ARM.
Gained Field Marshal [Shield Guard]
Lost the spells Fortune and Soothing Song
Gained the spells Battle Lust and Defender's Ward

Pyre Troll
We reviewed all of the lights available to Trollbloods, determined what exactly we wanted them to do in terms of their role (are they primarily ranged, melee, meant to be survivable, a disruption piece, etc) and then reviewed their animi as well. Also, we identified a few animi we have decided that Trollbloods, as a Faction, will benefit from greatly if they can be cast on any model in the army. Helping to bring up some of the hitting power across the board, though this did require several of those animi to go up from COST 1 to COST 2 in exchange. All of the changes you see below are reflective of this overall review:

We see the Pyre Troll in a ranged offensive role, and thus increased the output of its Spew Fire to better reflect that.
Flaming Fists Animi changed to become COST 2, RNG 6. Can be cast on any friendly Faction model.
Spew Fire becomes ROF 2.

Slag Troll
We see the Slag Troll in a hybrid offensive role, which we feel it currently performs well.
Acidic Touch Animi changed to become COST 2, RNG 6. Can be cast on any friendly Faction model

Troll Axer
We see the Troll Axer in a melee offensive role, which we feel it currently performs well for a light warbeast, but its point cost was too high in comparison to other options.
Reduced to PC 9

Troll Impaler
We see the Troll Impaler in a ranged offensive role, and thus increased its ranged accuracy while also reducing its point cost, which felt far too high to us given other options.
Gained +1 RAT
Reduced to PC 9

Swamp Troll

We see the Swamp Troll in a defensive role, meant to survive on or near scenario elements while being able to fend off lighter armored enemies, and potentially drag contesting/controlling models away. We felt he wasn't feeling right in this defensive role, and have changed him accordingly.
Lost 2 ARM
Gained Impervious Flesh

Storm Troll
We see the Storm Troll in a hybrid offensive / disruption role, with a slight lean towards ranged. We wanted this troll to also offer some stronger anti-warjack tech, which isn't super common for the Trollbloods.
Lightning Fists Animi changed to become COST 2, RNG 6. Can be cast on any friendly Faction model
Gained +1 RAT
Lost Crit Disruption on Claws
Gained Cortex Damage on Claws

Night Troll

We see the Night Troll in a melee disruption role. Once a Night Troll is able to engage, we wanted it to be more meaningful, and have given it flat Paralysis on its Claws. This isn't the second coming of the Clockatrice in our opinions, as delivering the melee attacks of a Night Troll is far more difficult that the ranged sprays of the Clockatrice.
Lost Crit Paralysis on Claws
Gained Paralysis on Claws

After loads of games and review on Mulg, we ultimately decided that we were happy with how he is performing on the table, and his unique utility such as becoming an "arc node". The problem isn't what Mulg does, its how much you pay for what he does.
PC reduced to 20.

Dire Troll Brawler
The Dire Troll Brawler needed just a little bump to help separate it from options such as the Mauler or the Earthborn. With his better than normal melee RNG (for trolls) we decided to make the most of that and give the Brawler the opportunity to fight into enemy lines and threaten a bit farther than normal.
Flails gain Beatback.

Trollkin Champions
Trollkin Champions were overall performing how we intended, but we felt that they suffered a bit more than they should from only having one Skaldi to go around. We wanted this elite unit to be able to reliably deliver itself into combat, which it mostly can thanks to Defensive Line and Sanguine Bond, but the lack of Pathfinder could really hurt running multiple units, which we feel can be critical to certain army builds.
Gains Relentless Charge

Skaldi Bonehammer
The above change meant that Skaldi now needed to provide some different utility to the unit he was attached to, which we quickly determined would be a quality of life change to how the unit could get itself into the right combat positions on various turns.
Loses Granted: Relentless Charge
Gains Granted: Practiced Maneuvers

Trollkin Champion Hero
Overall the Trollkin Champion Hero felt right in terms of his role and performance, but looking at him conceptually and the model, his armor was low in comparison to his other Champion kin. This is a minor change, but one we feel is appropriate while we are looking at Champions overall.
Gains +1 ARM

Trollkin Warders
We wanted to further separate Warders and Champions, and really cement Warders as the go-to defensive elite unit in Trolls. Part of the issue is, while the unit had Shield Guard, they also wanted to clump up together due to Wall of Steel. Clumping up, of course, reduced the effectiveness of the unit as Shield Guards for other models.

Instead, we want to see Warders spread out and protect small pockets or individuals, which we feel they do very well now with their new changes. They are not meant to be strong offensive elite models, that is the role of the Champions.
Loses Wall of Steel
Gains Carapace
Gains Roadblock
Testing Call Out: Warders under stone are effective ARM 23 against shooting, which is brutal for a Shield Guard unit of 5 models. Add a Dhunian Archon into the mix and you've got an incredibly tough nut to crack. What lists will you slot them in? Which models will you try to protect with them?

Typo: The Warder pdf shows an extra weapon at the moment with no name. Disregard this. They only have their normal Battle Weapon

Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes
The Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes are a fundamental aspect of most Trollblood armies. Rarely do you see a list without at least a minimum unit. We are happy with how they perform, and their place in the faction as a key support piece, but have decided that they are taking up a few too many points in basically every trollblood list out there.
PC reduced to 5/7

Dhunian Knot
The Dhunian Knot is a pure support unit, but felt like it was lacking something special. Thematically this is a unit all about protection, healing, magic and nurturing. The healing and nurturing bit was there, but we wanted to see this unit become more interesting in regards to protection and magic.
Gained the Prayer Circle ability
(Prayer Circle: While all three Dhunian Knot models in this unit are in formation, other friendly Faction models whose base is
within the triangular area between them cannot be knocked down or made stationary, and gain boosted magic attack rolls.)

Trollkin Runeshapers
Runeshapers have always been in a position of melee magic users, though they were only really encouraged to get into melee to trigger Battle Wizard if Janissa was nearby. We want these units to be able to spread out across the battle field, threaten multiple areas with their spells and the threat of them charging into something and firing off a Rock Hammer or a Trembler deeper into enemy lines.
Gained the Battle Wizard ability

Janissa Stonetide
With Runeshapers gaining Battle Wizard across the board, Janissa needed a new buff for the type of unit, but we also wanted her to help out Ragnor in the process. The decision was an easy one, and something we think Runeshaper lists will appreciate.
Loses Leadership Runeshaper
Janissa gains Veteran Leader [Runeshaper]

Troll Whelps
We wanted trolls to have some PC 1 options to help fill points as needed, and also wanted to ensure that when a whelp is eaten it guarantees a warbeast has all spirals fully functional. Please note that these changes don't affect any theme benefits which still give free whelps, as those benefits specify exactly how many whelps are provided.
Become FA 15
Reduced to PC 1
Alternate Food Source now heals d3+1

Horgle Ironstrike (Horgle 1)
Horgle 1 was missing a component to his overall gameplan, a way to make sure enemies were on fire. Having an enemy on fire is crucial to triggering his Burnt Meat ability, so we've given him a brand new spell to help facilitate that, even with his lower FURY stat.
Loses Molten Metal spell
Gains Ember Spark spell

Ember Spark (Cost 2, RNG 10, POW 10, Offensive)
Gain an additional die on this spell’s attack roll if the target is not affected by Continuous Effect: Fire. Ember Spark
causes fire damage. Models hit suffer the Fire continuous effect.

Theme Forces

Vengeance of Dhunia
The new theme force focuses, thematically, on the children of Dhunia (including Farrow, Ogruns, and Gobbers) and their combined use of military tactics and divine magic.

This was a tricky theme force to design, as it had to not step on the toes of Kriel Company or Power of Dhunia. It's sort of the hybrid of both, while having some very distinct features. This theme is very capable of playing beast-heavy, it can go full on ranged (though likely not as well as Kriel Company, which is intentional), but most often we expect to see it played in a combined arms manner. Which is our goal. If it runs beast lists better than most Power of Dhunia lists, or runs ranged lists better than most Kriel Company lists, then something has gone wrong. As stated, this is hybrid theme with a lot of versatility, and that is its strength in our opinion. It isn't strictly made for just one type of list or strategy, you've got options.

There are some key things to note about this theme force when you begin building lists for it:

1.) No Runebearer. This is the only Trollblood list that cannot bring a Runebearer. Now this is made up a bit by the fact that all warlocks can cast a free animi every turn (more on that in a moment), but we do not want the Farrow warlocks using the Runebearer. Additionally we feel the lack of the Runebearer helps us keep that distance between Kriel Company and Power of Dhunia, which as stated is very important.

2.) You can bring Farrow. Farrow warlocks can take Troll beasts, and Trollblood warlocks can take Farrow beasts. There has been loads to test here, so definitely think about the types of combos you want to run with this new slew of battlegroup options.

3.) All models in the army count as both Trollblood and Farrow, meaning all Faction buffs work on any model in the army. It also means that, with the benefit of Attuned Spirit [Trollblood[, since Farrow beasts count as Trollblood beasts in this theme force, troll warlocks now have access to things like Lightning Strike, Countercharge, etc and farrow warlocks get a whole new pigpen to play in.

Testing Call Out: There's some very powerful lists you can build in this theme. For example, one strong list we identified was a Lord Carver beast heavy list, full of cheap troll beasts benefiting from both Batten Down the Hatches and the Krielstone. There's a lot of ways you can build a Vengeance of Dhunia list, so show us what you consider to be the strongest and tell us why.

Power of Dhunia
As part of keeping some separation between Vengeance of Dhunia and Power of Dhunia, we wanted to up the benefit of playing beast heavy in a Power of Dhunia army. Previously this theme used the Serenity benefit on Dhunia Knots to allow you to run loads of beasts hot, and potentially keep them from frenzying. With the changes to several of the elemental light warbeasts' animi, and some of the stronger animi in the Faction, we wanted to take a new approach to fury conservation while also giving the beasts a benefit and not requiring the Dhunia Knot to be properly positioned (and thus possibly killed).
Loses the Serenity benefit
Gains the following benefit: When a living warbeast is forced to use its animus while in its controller’s control range, reduce the cost of the animus by 1.

Hors ligne Grimgor

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #1 le: 16 septembre 2020 à 22:15:35 »
Beaucoup des changements proposés sont ceux demandés depuis au moins 2-3 ans, mieux vaut tard que jamais :) Ca semble bien positif dans l'ensemble même si maintenant j'ai aucune idée de si ça remets les trolls suffisamment à niveau, ne pratiquant plus assez.
Madrak 3 a l'air de rendre les champions assez abusés en vrai

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #2 le: 17 septembre 2020 à 07:27:30 »
C'est... vraiment pas mal en fait  :o :D
c'est normal que mon ordi rame autant quand PA joue ?

C'est PA qui est trop rapide pour le rafraichissement de l'écran :D

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #3 le: 17 septembre 2020 à 09:35:53 »
Un bon UP assez mesuré vu de ma fenêtre d'ancien joueur. Ca me ferait presque regretter d'avoir vendu ;)
Le doute détruit beaucoup plus de rêves que l'échec.

Hors ligne John McForester

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #4 le: 17 septembre 2020 à 09:51:32 »
J'ai vu des gens paniquer sur Boomy3, d'une part parce que Amputation auto contre un Gargant c'est immonde, et d'autre part parce que avec quelques buffs de dégâts il peut one-shot une paire de lourds non steady sans trop se forcer (un animus de pyre, un buff de caster*, la pierre = +5... pour peu qu'un hermit ou autre traîne dans le coin, paf pastèque) mais je suis pas hyper choqué, c'est un solo "archonesque" (il a été teasé comme "the axe archon", et coûte ses 8 points non-gratos !) et défensivement il a pas grand chose : aussi solide qu'un Void Archon, avec bien moins de distance de menace... Et il fera pas beaucoup plus mal qu'un Void Archon...

A part ça je trouve ça cool, perso rien ne me fait hurler au power creep / CID pété, tout a son intérêt... J'aime beaucoup le concept très "skew" de Gunny2 en mode "bah il fait du tir, du tir, et du tir, les buffs de close ou défensifs c'est pour les cons", notamment Expose qui quand ça avait été teasé a fait paniquer tout le monde, et que finalement on se rend compte que pour contrer un shield guard le caster doit être à 12" de la figurine qui shield guard, donc à 9-socle" de la cible. Autant dire qu'à part pour assassiner il va pas révolutionner le méta en termes de shield guards. Par contre, entre ça, son propre gun, et son feat, ouais, si tu fais pas gaffe, il t'assassine bien le cul à coups de POW 17 boostées de non-blast damage en tirant sur une autre figurine que le caster !

* en fait je me rends compte que c'est hyper rare les buffs de dégâts sur des casters troll (genre il n'y a que Madrak2 et quelques Calamortality), ce qui justifie d'autant plus le besoin de ce retour en arrière des animi des lights élémentaires !

PS : je vais peut-être poser la question sur le forum CID mais pour boomy3 toujours, Hoof It dit "non-warlock Faction model/unit" mais pas non-warcaster. Hors il est également merco donc un caster merco, à tout hasard Fiona ou Gorten, peut en bénéficier...
« Modifié: 17 septembre 2020 à 09:54:43 par John McForester »
Ah oui mais s'il faut lire les règles maintenant, où va le monde ?

Steam Powered Dukes

Hors ligne Grimgor

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #5 le: 17 septembre 2020 à 12:51:09 »
Un bon UP assez mesuré vu de ma fenêtre d'ancien joueur. Ca me ferait presque regretter d'avoir vendu ;)

Moi j'ai tout gardé  :)
Dommage qu'ils aient laissés le feat de Madrak 3 tel quel parce que maintenant tough c'est très moyen, le up qu'ils ont fait c'est ce qu'ils auraient dû mettre dès le début.
Y a quelques ups comme ça qui sont hors du temps, genre le +1 arm sur le trollkin champion, ça sert pas à grand chose.
Après si maintenant ils font des CID plus mesurés avec tout le monde de cette manière, ça ne serait pas pour me déplaire

Je me demande si ça va faire un respawn des vieux joueurs trolls :)
« Modifié: 17 septembre 2020 à 12:59:18 par Grimgor »

Hors ligne Razhoir

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #6 le: 17 septembre 2020 à 13:59:26 »
J'ai mis le PDF de la première semaine ici, pour ceux qui veulent les règles des nouveaux modèles :

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #7 le: 17 septembre 2020 à 14:01:39 »
Perso j'ai lu et j'aime ce que je lis.

Cela change tout et j'ai envie de savoir ce que pourrais redonner Ragnor.
Mon caster visuellement que je préfère.

Bon dommage qu'il n'y a plus personne pour jouer par chez moi xD.
Envie de jouer dans l'aube c'est par ici:

Hors ligne John McForester

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #8 le: 17 septembre 2020 à 17:08:22 »
Ragnor avec ce qu'il gagne clairement il va y avoir des possibilités ! Weight of Stone c'est une capa très puissante et que rien ne peut vraiment ignorer (ça ne se shake pas), et ça apporte un petit truc unique à la faction. Pour la blague avec un Night Troll ça se cumule avec Paralysis pour une cible DEF 2 (ça c'est juste pour le lol) et -3 SPD ni course ni charge... Autant dire un truc qui bougera de 2 ou 3 pouces à tout casser dans le tour :P (ou qui passera son tour à se défouler sur l'impertinent night troll !)
« Modifié: 17 septembre 2020 à 17:15:34 par John McForester »
Ah oui mais s'il faut lire les règles maintenant, où va le monde ?

Steam Powered Dukes

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Re : Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #9 le: 18 septembre 2020 à 11:47:37 »
Perso j'ai lu et j'aime ce que je lis.

Cela change tout et j'ai envie de savoir ce que pourrais redonner Ragnor.
Mon caster visuellement que je préfère.

Bon dommage qu'il n'y a plus personne pour jouer par chez moi xD.
Same here

Hors ligne Arkon

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Re : Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #10 le: 18 septembre 2020 à 16:28:29 »
Ragnor avec ce qu'il gagne clairement il va y avoir des possibilités ! Weight of Stone c'est une capa très puissante et que rien ne peut vraiment ignorer (ça ne se shake pas), et ça apporte un petit truc unique à la faction.

Pas tout à fait unique puisque c'est à la base une capa de Baldur1/2.

Hors ligne Razhoir

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Re : Re : Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #11 le: 18 septembre 2020 à 16:33:18 »
Ragnor avec ce qu'il gagne clairement il va y avoir des possibilités ! Weight of Stone c'est une capa très puissante et que rien ne peut vraiment ignorer (ça ne se shake pas), et ça apporte un petit truc unique à la faction.

Pas tout à fait unique puisque c'est à la base une capa de Baldur1/2.

Et de Megalith. Mais ça correspond très bien à Ragnor. En Field Marshall, c'est brutal surtout avec les light warbeasts qui baissent en point. D'ailleurs, je me demande si on roule tout de même un dé contre un Swamp Troll et son Impervious Flesh fraîchement gagné sous feat de Ragnor? C'est un minimum, non?

Hors ligne John McForester

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #12 le: 18 septembre 2020 à 18:21:57 »
Pardon je m'exprime comme un pied. C'est unique en Trollbloods dans le sens que personne d'autre  dans la faction fait quelque chose de comparable. Ce qui s'en rapproche le plus c'est le feat de Grim1 (c'est dire la brutalité du truc en effet)
Et les jets à 0d6 c'est confirmé (comme avant avec ragnor ou impervious  + crippled weapon/body)
Ah oui mais s'il faut lire les règles maintenant, où va le monde ?

Steam Powered Dukes

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #13 le: 18 septembre 2020 à 20:31:29 »
Ah ah si tu as un crippled weapon/body en plus, tu lances un dé et tu le soustrait :D

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #14 le: 20 septembre 2020 à 02:26:00 »
Pas sûr que tu soustrait le dé par contre XD

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #15 le: 23 septembre 2020 à 08:19:53 »
Semaine 2 ! Retenez vos larmes, les trolls...
J'ai mis le PDF ici :

Trollkin Barrage Team

This unit represents one of those times where the external data did not meet the expectations from the internal data. We ran the numbers, stress tested them, and got loads of normal playtest games in. We knew what they were capable of in theory, but in practice had not seen it. That said, the CID feedback regarding this unit has been well presented and meaningful, and we have been convinced that a change is required. Two changes actually, one of the Field Allowance of the unit and another regarding this unit's Barrage action. We feel the unit should be much more reasonable now, still providing powerful long ranged attacks but not utterly dominating each game.
Field Allowance changed to 3
Removed Barrage * Action
Added new Barrage ability to Rocket Launcher

New Barrage Text - If two models participate in a combined ranged attack with this weapon, the size of the AOE if 4; if three models participate, the size of the AOE is 5.

Gunnbjorn 2

Gunnbjorn is receiving a bit of toning based on the army list construction and interaction feedback we've received. An additional layer of required interactivity is being added to both his feat, and the expose spell, both of which (along with his Battle Plans) are defining features of this warlock and his game plan. The changes to the feat now mean a player can no longer lob AOEs in hopes of deviations (especially if those AOEs can't deviate off the target), nor can they shoot their own models in the back to get the AOE damage onto enemies. The change to Expose requires more targeted selection of which models/units lose Stealth and Shield Guard. While it is a weaker version of his previous powerhouse spell, it is possible to deviate the new version onto models outside of his control range and clip models/units that were hiding a bit further back.
Full Force benefit from feat now requires a model to directly hit an enemy to trigger
Expose spell changed to COST 2, RNG 12, AOE 3 offensive spell with new text.

New Expose Text - The spellcaster ignores Stealth XICONX while making this attack. Enemy models/units hit lose and cannot gain Stealth XICONX or Shield
Guard. Expose lasts for one turn.

Boomhowler 3

Boomhowler has had two tones in regards to his fellcalls, primarily due to interactions in non-Trollblood armies. The Hoof It change is mostly unnoticed by Grissel 1 (the only other model with the rule), but does mean she cannot target Battle Engines with it anymore. The Dinner Time change came straight out of this CID as a recommendation, and we love it. It gives another reason for Boomhowler to move up the field to be involved in the fight, allows more models to benefit from the +2" while charging (it works on non-living now), but requires positioning by both Boomhowler and those models to be effective.
Hoof It now requires friendly Faction living non-warlock non-warcaster model.
Dinner Time Fell text changed
Removed Bloodthirst ability

New Dinner Time Text - Choose an enemy model/unit in this model’s command range. This model and friendly Faction warbeast models activating in its command range gain +2” movement when charging the chosen model/unit. Dinner Time lasts for one turn.

Dhunian Knot

The Knot's new Prayer Circle ability has proven to be very interesting, though it seems the boosted magic attack aspect may be a bit too strong. We still want this unit to affect magic attacks in a meaningful way with the Prayer Circle, and have changed the effect from a flat boost to a Signs and Portents style effect on just the attack dice. While this stacks with abilities such as Kolgrima's Dark Power, allowing her more accurate sprays if she boosts, it does mean she must pay for that boost and thus cast less sprays overall.

New Prayer Circle Text - While all three Dhunian Knot models in this unit are in formation, other friendly Faction models whose base is within the triangular area between them cannot be knocked down or made stationary. Additionally, affected models gain an additional die on magic attack rolls. Discard the lowest die in each roll.

Trollkin Gunnery Sergeant

We've toned down the Gunnery Sarge just slightly based on the feedback thus far. Making him slower and lowering his Rat by 1, both of which will impact the effectiveness of his early game Artillery Strikes. Our intention is that the Strike is useful against enemies that have been knocked down or made stationary, or models that are Immobile such as Shifting Stones and Gallows Groves. At effective RAT 1 before any bonuses, this weapon requires some setup to have any effective use.
SPD reduced to 5
RAT reduced to 5
Slag Troll

The Slag troll is a hybrid offensive light warbeast, capable of assaulting an enemy and then punching them several times. With Erosion on its ranged and melee attacks, the Slag was pushed a bit too much into "Only fight constructs". We wanted to open up its play options a bit, while still retaining at least some of that extra strength against constructs. We've left Erosion on the ranged attack but removed it from the claws. This has been replaced by the addition of the Peel Back the Layers rules introduced on the Virtues. Now the Slag can either Assault a model, cause it to be corroded, and trigger Peel or can trigger Peel by having its own animus on it (possibly cast on it by another source) and hitting the model once in melee.
Loses Erosion on Claws
Gains Peel Back the Layers ability

Typo fix
Skaldi gains Relentless Charge
Trollkin Warders

After much review of your feedback during this CID, we are dropping the top end of the Warders down by one point. While the low end we feel is correct, we agree that the high end was overcosted by a 1.
Unit cost becomes 10/16

This change is a bit contentious internally, so we are watching it very very carefully. Again, this was born out of review of all the CID feedback and discussions, many of which made their point regarding Ragnor's signature buff spell quiet well. While this isn't as flat out strong as Madrak 3's new Battle Lust, it does have a load of potential regarding scenario play. Especially cheap units such as Kriel Warriors having the new version of Pulverizer hot swapped between them to trigger massive amounts of Beatback. Again, we're watching this change very closely regarding feedback and list application.
Pulverizer spell changed to COST 2, affects friendly Faction model/unit
Band of Heroes Theme Force

Weare making a small but welcome change to the army composition of Band of Heroes. This is not reflected on the rules pdf on this post. We are adding Horgle 1 to the options available in Band of Heroes, which we feel will be a great addition to the theme given the updated animi of the Pyres and Slags.

Gudrun 2 Added to CID

Finally, we are adding Gudrun the Wasted to this CID cycle as he is usable in Vengeance of Dhunia. To be honest he likely should have been in week 1, so thanks for pointing that out to use as the CID progressed.

Hors ligne baldur59

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #16 le: 23 septembre 2020 à 09:46:01 »
Première semaine , on commence fort

Deuxième semaine , on se dit on a été trop fort alors on calme le jeu et tous le monde

Troisième semaine , on fera un mid des deux première semaine et ça ira.

Les cid ne varient guère , toujours la même chose.

J'attendrais la fin comme d'habitude pour voir l'état des lieux et la faction en general.

Consternant de voir que rien ne change dans la façon de faire de PP
de scheerder david 
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ecole Leclerc
( hordes/warmachine;battle;40k;confront;anima tactics;alkemy , bolt action )

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #17 le: 23 septembre 2020 à 10:40:21 »
Consternant de voir que rien ne change dans la façon de faire de PP

Pourquoi? Cela ne marche pas trop mal.
c'est normal que mon ordi rame autant quand PA joue ?

C'est PA qui est trop rapide pour le rafraichissement de l'écran :D

Hors ligne baldur59

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #18 le: 23 septembre 2020 à 14:54:39 »
Perso , je trouve qu'il y à encore de sacrés disparités entre faction malgré de cid soit disant pour régler les problèmes .

Donc j'aurais aimé une autre façon de faire que l'ancienne/actuelle façon de faire qui ne fait que tâtonner voir ou ça mène ( avec réussite on pas ).

Mes 2 sous, merci
de scheerder david 
Membre du club l alliance ( lallaing 59167 )
ecole Leclerc
( hordes/warmachine;battle;40k;confront;anima tactics;alkemy , bolt action )

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #19 le: 23 septembre 2020 à 16:48:02 »
Des changements très biens, cela évite beaucoup d'abus.
"On peut violer les lois sans qu'elles crient" Talleyrand

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #20 le: 23 septembre 2020 à 20:08:07 »
Perso , je trouve qu'il y à encore de sacrés disparités entre faction malgré de cid soit disant pour régler les problèmes .

Donc j'aurais aimé une autre façon de faire que l'ancienne/actuelle façon de faire qui ne fait que tâtonner voir ou ça mène ( avec réussite on pas ).

Mes 2 sous, merci

Je trouve toujours aussi, le jeu pré CID me semblait bien plus équilibré à part cryx.

Sinon Ragnor qui peut maintenant mettre pulverizer sur les units, il va aimer les champions lol.

Mais vraisemblablement ça fait pas revenir les vieux joueurs trolls  ::)

Hors ligne Gamin

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #21 le: 23 septembre 2020 à 21:15:27 »
Perso je me suis remis aux trolls et j'aime bien. Déjà les dernières bonus des sorties RiotQuest comme les Pygs et Boomy2, très sympas et y'a eu pas mal de trucs à tester en krielcompany.

Là, je trouve les nouvelles refs assez raffraichissantes.

Pour commencer, grater 2 pts sur la pierre en max, c'est déjà très bien pour notre unité auto-include. Ca va pas changer des mass mais j'ai en tête quelques listes qui bloquaient sur 1 ou 2 pts.

On a vraiment des nouvelles opportunités de combinaisons coté KrielCompany avec de nouveaux solos (General Brug, gunnery sergeant, Boomy3). Sans compter quelques autres bons ajouts pour la thème force: Barrage Team et Gunny2.

Pour le gunnery sergeant, je trouve l'ajout très bien. Spyglass va nous aider à gérer certains trucs à distance (gremlins swarms par exemple). Artillerist est très fort... les double HHH Rat 8 sur la galette, je me régale. Idem pour Dozer&Smigg ou le Seaking... On verra si il fait revenir des listes avec double thumper crew...

Du coté Power of Dhunia: Un Mulg à 20 pts, top. Le brawler ouvre vraiment des pistes avec Hoarluk1. Ragnor.... arrrgh il va devenir bien je pense. Peut-être même en Band Of Heroes on pourrait en faire quelque chose. Les nouvelles Dhunia Knot et le changement de thème force apportent pas mal. 

Pour les Northkin: Bumbles... rien à dire de ce coté! Un bon solo qui tache. On garde aussi la logique de Boomy3 très utile.

Et pour Band Of Heros.... Madrak3... vraiment à tester. Ca a l'air pas mal. L'ajout d'Horgle1 et du pyre est pas mal dans la liste qui a besoin de taper fort. Ca permet d'envisager autre chose que Madrak2.

Du coup je l'aime beaucoup ce CID et j'ai vraiment envie de tester/adapter mes anciennes listes.

Je ne sais pas encore trop quoi penser de la nouvelle thème force. Azazello peut être pas mal avec +5 en armure sous feat et +3 en force. Les champions vont l'aimer vraiment. Tu rajoutes boomy3, des Pyg Tank, des Dhunian Knots et ca devient chiant à tomber.
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Prochain défi: faire 0-6 aux qualifs et être qualifié quand même.

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #22 le: 23 septembre 2020 à 22:51:30 »
Ce que j'en pense c'est que moi j'ai pas acheté d'ours ni rien qui soit sorti en troll depuis cette période, j'ai pourtant beauuuuucoup de trolls, mais manifestement c'est pas encore suffisant pour jouer et avoir une chance. C'est l'impression que ça donne en tout cas :)

Hors ligne Gamin

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #23 le: 24 septembre 2020 à 09:43:12 »
Ah oui tiens: Knot + Kogrima + Mulg = la fête du sprays... ca parait très fort ^^
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Prochain défi: faire 0-6 aux qualifs et être qualifié quand même.

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Re : CID Trollbloods
« Réponse #24 le: 28 septembre 2020 à 20:41:13 »
Et c'est la semaine 3 !
Le PDF est ici :

Troll Impaler

After review, we are upping the ranged potential of this ranged focused light warbeast. Not just in the effectiveness of its thrown spear attack, but also the weapons potential threat range and some interesting utility. With the addition of Follow Up and Assault, the Impaler can potentially slam an enemy with its ranged attack on the assault and then push deeper into enemy lines to possibly contest a scenario element for a turn. Follow Up is situational, definitely, but has some interesting applications.
Gained Assault
Gained Follow Up
Throw Spear gains Powerful Attack

Gunnbjorn 2

Gunnbjorn received loads of feedback after his change from week 1 to week 2, primarily regarding the changes to his feat and his spell Expose. We've altered both, with the feat returning to a middle ground between week 1 and week 2, and the spell Expose now functioning more like Mage Sight, but with additional functionality.
Full Force benefit from feat now triggers when you target an enemy model, allowing the effect on deviations and misses, but cannot trigger if you shoot your own model in the back.
Expose spell changed to COST 2, RNG Ctrl, AOE 5 upkeep spell with new text.

New Expose Text - Place a 5˝ AOE completely within the spellcaster’s control range. While within the AOE, enemy models lose and cannot gain Stealth or Shield Guard, and do not gain bonuses from spells , including animi, that add to their ARM or DEF.


Bumbles has received a slight decrease in his overall hitting power based on continued feedback.
Armored Claw POW reduced by 1

Dhunian Knot

After looking through the feedback on the Knot, we've decided to increase their command range a bit to help widen the effect of Prayer Circle, without changing its effect.
CMD increased to 7

Runeshapers and Janissa

We've decided to help the Runeshapers and Janissa get into a better position early on in the game, allowing them to be more impactful on the game earlier, or take up more meaningful defensive positions with Dig In in the early game.
Unit and solo gained Advanced Deployment

Night Troll

We've replaced the Night Troll's animus with a brand new animus that plays more into its intended role of disrupting the enemy. We currently have the range of this animus' effect at 3", which might fluctuate a bit before final print, but we are heavily considering its effect as a new spell that several of the warlocks have access to. While not all of them will want this effect, several, such as Borka 2 for example, can likely get good use out of it.
Animus changed to Hypnotic Gaze
Hypnotic Gaze Text - For one round, enemy models that begin their activation within 3˝ of this model and in its LOS can advance only toward this model.


Skaldi is now a Champion.

Farrow Sapper

Your feedback has indicated that you will not always want to Ambush the Sapper, and in fact might prefer pushing him further up the field with the rest of your army to plant mines closer to the middle of the table (and scenario elements nearby). With this in mind, we've going to try to reward this tactic and give you the option of how to best deploy the sapper by giving it both Ambush and AD.
Gained Advanced Deployment

Kriel Stone Bearer and Madrak 3

We have decided to add a bracket to the Protective Aura ability, which dictates the initial starting range of the aura's effect before counting additional inches for fury on the model using the aura. For the KSB, there is no effective change, it is Protective Aura [4"].

However, for Madrak, we have have decided to amplify his Aura's base range, making it more meaningful with just a single fury point spent.
Kriel Stone Bearer changed to Protective Aura [4"] (no effective change)
Madrak 3 changed to Protective Aura [8"]