Auteur Sujet: Tiers khador  (Lu 3804 fois)

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Hors ligne Doudou

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Tiers khador
« le: 18 mars 2010 à 10:37:58 »
j'avais pas trop envie de claquer 30neurones pour juste les règles de tiers...
Et puis, les adversaires seront au courant

Donc doudou a trouvé ça sur la toile. Ca m'a tout l'air d'être bien fiable.
Peut-être manque t'il certains éléments, ou que d'autres sont à repréciser.
Merci aux possesseurs du bouquin de préciser ou compléter.

non-char jacks, Drago, Mechaniks, Ternions, Iron Fangs, dog, Greylord solos

T1: zerkers -1PC, Koldun Lord FA+1 for each ternion
T2: must have 2 units IFP, all IFP get +2SPD first round.
T3: 3+ Koldun Lords, all greylords get Stealth on first turn
T4: Only jacks are zerkers+Drago, all jacks get advance deployment

Old Witch:
Any non-character warjack, Battle Mechaniks, Greylord Ternions, Kossifte Woodsmen, Widowmakers, Manhunters, Widowmaker Marksmen, Yuri the Axe

T1:Model's/ units in the army gain Stealth during the first round
T2:Add Yuri the Axe to the army free of cost. req for tier 2 is two units of kossites
T3:Friendly models/ units can begin the game affected by the OW's upkeep spells. OW doosn't have to pay focus to upkeep spells your first turn. req for tier 3 is two ternions
T4:Models/units in the army gain Pathrinder during your first turn of the game. For each heavy warjack in the Old Witch's battlegroup, place one 4" AOE forest anywhere completely within 20" of the back edge of her deployment zone. req for tier 4 is two heavies


T1:Assault Kommandos go FA U and gain advance deployment
T2:Requires 2 Kommando units, For each kommando unit, place one trench template anywhere within 20" of your table edge.
T3:Requires four or more units=Add one Manhunter or Widowmaker Marksman free of cost. It ignores FA restrictions O.o
T4:He needs two 'jacks=Same as Old Witch tier 3

Jacks: non-characters, Behemoth
Units: Mechaniks, Widowmakers, Winter Guard units, Kayazy units
Solos: Marksmen, Kayazy solos, WG solos

Tier 1: Kayazy Assassins become FA: U, and Mortars/Field Guns get +1 FA for each WG Infantry or Rifle Corps unit
Tier 2: 2+ WG Infantry, get a free UA for them
Tier 3: 2+ Kayazy Assassin units, Kayazy units/models get Advance Move
Tier 4: Take the Behemoth, each warjack in Irusk's battlegroup get 1 free focus at the beginning of your first turn

Doom reavers, regular jacks, Manhunters, Wardog, Fenris, Yuri, and Doom Reaver solos.

Tier 1:Doom reavers and Doom reaver attatchments have FA U (but still only one attatchment per unit)
Tier 2:requires at least 3 DOom reaver unitsReduce cost of Doomies by 1
Tier 3:Include Fenris (like you didn't anyway)=Gain +1 on the starting roll
Tier 4:Two or more 'jacks on Butcher= Butcher's base focus at the start of the game and your first turn is 7. Don't roll Arcane Dementia.

non character 'jacks, Battle Mechaniks, Doomies, Greylords, Manhunters, Fenris, Doom reaver solos, Greylord solos

Tier 1:Greylord Ternion and Koldun Lord solos get FA U
Tier 2:Requires 2 doom reaver units=Add a unit attatchment for free, ignoring FA restrictions
Tier 3:Requires two or more Koldon LordsKoldun Lord solos and their marshalld 'jacks gain advance deployment
Tier 4:Zerkova has three 'jacks in HER battlegroup=Models gain +2 SPD during the first turn

Big Karchev:
Jacks, Mechanics, Greylords (lot of em), MoW, and associated solos

T1: Ternions are FA:U and Koldun Lords are FA +1 per ternion!
T2: 2+ MoW units, MoW gain Advance Move
T3: 1+ ternion units, for each ternion, place a 3" cloud effect in play before first turn
T4: 3+ jacks, each jacks costs 1 less

Uses Beast, Mechaniks, Widowmakers, Wintergarde, Marksman, and WG solos.

Tier 1:A warjack gains Advance move for each Mechanik unit
Tier 2:Requires three or more Winter Guard units=Add Kovnik Jozef Griforovich for FREE
Tier 3:You use Beast 09 (so free, amirite?)=you get +1 onthe kick off roll
Tier 4:Your army includes 3 warjacks=Your deployment zone goes an extra 2"

Uses Beeast, Mechaniks, Widows, MoW, Wintergarde, Manhunters, Marksman, MoW solos, WG solos.

Tier 1:Reduce Kodiaks by 1 point
Tier 2:Needs two or more WG Infantry units=Old Witch's trees grow for every two units.
Tier 3:Includes two or more MoW=MoW gain advance move
Tier 4:Include 2 Kodiaks=The whole army gains pathfinder for turn 1

Takes Drago, Kossites, Widows, IF units, Wardog, and IF solos.

Tier 1:IF Uhlans become FA 2, and reduce the cost of each unit by 1
Tier 2:Requires the Great Bears=Great Bears gain advance deployment
Tier 3:Vlad uses ONLY Drago=Old Witch's tier 3
Tier 4:Include Markov and one or more IF units=pSorscha's tier 4

Uses Behemoth, AKs, Mechaniks, IF, MoW, Wardog, IF solos, MoW solos

Tier 1:Reduce the points cost of Devastator and Spriggan by 1
Tier 2:Include 2 IFP= +1 to the start-of-game roll
Tier 3:2 MoW units=MoW get Advance Move
T4:You use two or more 'jacks=eVlad's tier 4

J'aime bien les palliers de Karchev, même s'il se prete mplus (comme beaucoup) au format de 50pts+. Zerkova me deçoit mais Strakov, qui est peut-être un peu inconsistant prend un intéret plus cher a mon coeur. Mais comme je l'ai pas joué... Evlad est encore plus fume. Non mais franchement ???

« Modifié: 18 mars 2010 à 20:35:11 par Doudou »


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Re : Tiers khador
« Réponse #1 le: 01 avril 2010 à 04:28:08 »
Euh quelles unités, solo et Warjack sont authorisés pour les tiers de strakov svp?

Hors ligne Ptit Nico

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Re : Tiers khador
« Réponse #2 le: 01 avril 2010 à 04:35:55 »
Warjacks : non-personnages
Unités : Assault Kommandos, Kossite Woodsmen, Widowmakers, Kayazi Assassins
Solos : Manhunter, War Dog, Widowmaker Marksmen
Clic clac, merci Kodiak !

Hors ligne Aethariel

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Re : Tiers khador
« Réponse #3 le: 01 avril 2010 à 14:26:49 »
ça nous fait une liste bien sympatoche à 35pts :

Kommander Strakhov (-6)
War dog1


Assault Kommandos (Leader and 5 Grunts) 5
1 Assault Kommando Flame Thrower          1

Assault Kommandos (Leader and 5 Grunts) 5
1 Assault Kommando Flame Thrower          1

Kayazy Assassins (Leader and 5 Grunts)    5
Kayazy Assassin Underboss                     2

Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts)         4
Widowmaker Marksman                     GRATUIT (tiers 3)


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Re : Tiers khador
« Réponse #4 le: 01 avril 2010 à 15:27:24 »
et en 50 tu rajouterais quoi? ;-)

Hors ligne Aethariel

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Re : Tiers khador
« Réponse #5 le: 02 avril 2010 à 07:57:25 »
Bonne question, je ne joue jamais en 50pts d'habitude (je n'ai pas encore toutes les subtilités pour ça), cependant je mettrais alors ça (j'aime les jacks)

- rajouter un kodiak (parfait avec ce caster)
- augmenter l'effectif des kayazy (ze unité de corps à corps pour moi avec Iron Flesh et bien éloignés les uns des autres pour minimiser les AOE)
- ajouter des kamikazes, euh des manhunters ;)

Voilà :

Kommander Strakhov (-6)
War dog1

Destroyer 9
Kodiak    8
Kodiak    8

Assault Kommandos (Leader and 5 Grunts) 5
1 Assault Kommando Flame Thrower          1

Assault Kommandos (Leader and 5 Grunts) 5
1 Assault Kommando Flame Thrower          1

Kayazy Assassins (Leader and 5 Grunts)    8
Kayazy Assassin Underboss                     2

Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts)         4
Widowmaker Marksman                     GRATUIT (tiers 3)
Manhunter x2                                       4

Dommage qu'on ne puisse pas mettre Yuri, sinon ça n'aurait été que du bonheur ^^