WARMACHINE/HORDES > Discussions sur le jeu et les rumeurs
Les cartes en VF, Yes We Can!
Hello, il me semble qu'il manque une règle sur la traduction de la carte du Gun Mage Adept Cygnar.
Sur Warmachine university:
Swift Hunter - When this model destroys one or more enemy models with a basic ranged attack, immediately after the attack is resolved it can advance up to 2".
True Sight - This model ignores cloud effects when determining LOS. This model also ignores Stealth.
Veteran Leader [ Gun Mage ] - While in this model's command range, other friendly Gun Mage models gain +1 to attack rolls.
Magelock Pistol - 10" range, POW 10 gun
Magical dam symbol.jpg Damage Type: Magical
Arcane Savant - Each time this weapon is used to make an attack, choose two of the following special rules:
Brutal Damage - On a direct hit, gain an additional die on this weapon's damage rolls against the target directly hit.
Flare - Models hit by this weapon/attack lose Stealth and suffer -2 DEF for one turn.
Shadow Fire - A model hit by this attack does not block LOS for one turn.
Snipe - This attack gains +4 RNG.
Sword - 0.5" reach, P+S 7 melee weapon
La règle que j'ai mise en gras n'apparaît pas sur la carte traduite...
Sinon merci pour les anglophobes, c'est tellement plus confort!!
--- Citation de: Beardman le 07 mai 2022 à 16:56:57 ---Hello, il me semble qu'il manque une règle sur la traduction de la carte du Gun Mage Adept Cygnar.
Sur Warmachine university:
Swift Hunter - When this model destroys one or more enemy models with a basic ranged attack, immediately after the attack is resolved it can advance up to 2".
True Sight - This model ignores cloud effects when determining LOS. This model also ignores Stealth.
Veteran Leader [ Gun Mage ] - While in this model's command range, other friendly Gun Mage models gain +1 to attack rolls.
Magelock Pistol - 10" range, POW 10 gun
Magical dam symbol.jpg Damage Type: Magical
Arcane Savant - Each time this weapon is used to make an attack, choose two of the following special rules:
Brutal Damage - On a direct hit, gain an additional die on this weapon's damage rolls against the target directly hit.
Flare - Models hit by this weapon/attack lose Stealth and suffer -2 DEF for one turn.
Shadow Fire - A model hit by this attack does not block LOS for one turn.
Snipe - This attack gains +4 RNG.
Sword - 0.5" reach, P+S 7 melee weapon
La règle que j'ai mise en gras n'apparaît pas sur la carte traduite...
Sinon merci pour les anglophobes, c'est tellement plus confort!!
--- Fin de citation ---
En effet ! C'est corrigé !
tout d'abord merci beaucoup pour votre ÉNORME travail; il me permet de faire découvrir le jeu à des potes qui ne parlent pas un mot d'anglais.
Ensuite bravo
ps: je crois qu'il manque la "version" dismounted de gravus
Maintenant il faut recommencer car nous sommes en mk4
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