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Messages - Blackbiji

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Se présenter avant de poster / Re : Présentation Far2Casual
« le: 22 septembre 2016 à 11:38:10 »
Hello et bienvenue ici :) tu te sens motivé pour faire autant de vidéos que pour WHB ? :))

Mais non, les listes Cryx il y a pas besoin de réfléchir :)) Regarde, mon pote Pim, il a construit sa liste Scaverous en cliquant sur les jacks par ordre alphabétique dans Warrroom2  ::)

Skorne / Re : Re : [Guigui] Début de Mk3
« le: 14 septembre 2016 à 16:54:03 »
Quand je vous lis je regrette presque la vente de mes skorne.

Presque... mais faut pas déconner non plus, hein ;) C'est pas bieeeeeen de se moquer de ses potes, Mr Shoofshoof :))

Disons que c'est injuste pour les gens en moitié de classement, mais ça évite aux premiers de se faire 'déclasser' après 3 victoires consécutives vu que sur la 4ème partie ces fameux "invaincus" vont de toute façon avoir une défaite... Je trouve ça toujours très compliqué de trouver un système juste pour éviter les sous-marins... Le système utilisé par Babnik à Joinville avait du bon pour ça :)

UN gros tournoi à l'extérieur pour notre team, c'est cool, surtout qu'y'avait défi !

Merci à toute l'équipe d'orga d'avoir poussé les murs pour tous nous accueillir, c'était bien cool ... et donc bruyant :D mais c'est un peu de notre faute, hein ;)

Un lever trèèèèèèès tôt pour être à l'heure 200 bornes plus loin, et là ARGH pas de café... bah :) Ca remarchera dans l'après-midi, tout va bien :)

Première reprise avec Cephalyx. Avant tout, je m'excuse encore mille fois auprès de mes adversaires de ne pas avoir maîtrisé toutes mes références sur le bout des doigts, parfois ça a joué contre moi, parfois en ma faveur et j'espère que ça n'a altéré le cours d'aucune partie. Bref, après avoir les lâché en MKII au décours de l'Iron Week, où ils étaient vraiment faiblards, je découvre aujourd'hui une armée d'autant plus forte qu'elle a déjà son Theme Force et qu'il déchire avec Hyper-aggressive et la possibilité d'un Ambush. Le Sac Pawn des solos (notamment des agitators) et des casters est une réponse parfaite à un tournoi où je vois arriver ouatemille joueurs Cygnar et Légions et je ne me suis pas trompé... Mes Skornes n'auraient eu aucune chance sur la plupart des Match-ups rencontrés.

Je pense que ce sera Cephalyx jusqu'à la sortie des Theme Force et on verra si je finis de peindre Skorne avant la MkIV ,)

Merci donc encore aux orgas et à mes adversaires, auprès donc desquels je m'excuse encore une fois des bourdes commises et merci à tous les autres (et maman) :)

Règles et Clarifications / Re : Sacrifical Pawn
« le: 05 septembre 2016 à 18:55:11 »
Yep merci pour la précision :)

Règles et Clarifications / Sacrifical Pawn
« le: 05 septembre 2016 à 18:00:57 »
Bonjour à tous ,

Juste une petite clarification sur pion sacrificiel ; il s'active sur une attaque à distance. On est bien d'accord que ça marche sur les Sprays qui ne sont pas des attaques magiques ?

C'est quoi l'adresse de la salle au fait ?

Bon, on est donc bien d'accord que le mail de "test" n'est pas le bon ? Tu vas envoyer séparément à chacun son invit' ?  :)

La taverne de BG / Re : Et le Soleil Rouge répond aux Gitans du Ch'Nord
« le: 01 septembre 2016 à 16:24:28 »
Baaaaaab... on dit pas les petits, mais les ch'tis... Ou les endives

@Lelith : Rien que pour ça on devrait avoir un +1 ;) A nous la Finale ;)

Ah ouiais... la moitié des joueurs répartis dans 3 factions seulement...

De toute façon, il n'y a pas de liste "cheatée", on est bien d'accord ? Bring The big Guns, hein ;)

La taverne de BG / Re : Le FBJ en visite dans le ch'nord
« le: 17 août 2016 à 11:47:30 »
Hahaha Excellent les gars :D

Ce qui signifie que vous inscrivez en fonction des ordres de pré-inscription sur T3 ? ou il suffit d'envoyer son chèque dès aujourd'hui même en tant que 67ème préinscrit ? ;)


@ Blackbj : la raison pour laquelle je jouais Colby était bien celle qui nous a mis en désaccord sauf qu'en réalité j'avais raison. Je t'invite relire la carte et notamment la capacité Mechanikally Adept.

Je suis d'accord pour dire qu'ils auraient pu faire plus simple pour cette carte.  ;)

Conclusion : une Colby à 3 points ça vaut le coup réparer ^^

Je suis désolé :( (je t'ai parlé et montré la carte de Dirty Meg à toi et à ton partenaire si tu te souviens bien, et pas du tout celle de Colby... il y a eu une énorme incompréhension de ma part :((  mais vous n'avez pas tiqué quand on a regardé la carte ensemble et qu'on a même vérifié ensemble le wording en anglais )  ça n'aurait rien changé en l'occurrence  vu que tu n'as pas eu le temps de heal des jacks face au feat de Kharchev, mais quand bien même... ça me fait chier :(

EDIT : après, je pense que si le but c'est de heal, dans ce cas l'UA des Mekaniks est plus intéressant (avec un Girded donné gratuit)

Ouiais !! On a pris une place de plus que l'année dernière ! grosse progression :)

Plus sérieusement, ce tournoi était un "régal d'adversité". Que des joueurs hyper sympa, respectueux, sans embrouille de règle, de mesure de distance ou de LDV, le tout avec du très bon niveau, un régal.

L'orga était au top (je peux le dire, même en tant que FBJ puisque n'y ayant participé que pour ranger la salle), avec un timing respecté, un SUPER système de poule qui évite de sous-mariner (kikoo les orgas Battle).

Bab demandait quoi changer pour l'année prochaine, je dirais bien un décor de plus par table et certains décors comme les forêts ou les clouds un poile plus grands pour profiter pleinement de leurs nouvelles règles (souvent, les plus "grands" décors ont été des obstructions). A part ça, je ne vois pas trop, perso.

Un immense merci à Bab donc pour son implication et pour avoir réussi l'exploit de nous faire jouer en anglais :)) TIP TOP BRO' !!

Bonjour à tous, un copié/collé de ce très bon sujet http://privateerpressforums.com/showthread.php?252717-A-Guide-to-Rules-Changes-from-Mk-II-to-Mk-III pour suivre les modifications des règles en MkIII :

General Rules Changes
Measuring: A player can measure any distance at any time for any reason.
Within: When a rule affects models within a certain distance of a particular model, that model is always considered to be completely within the range/area described by default (previously this was the exception, such as with command range and control range).
Stat Minimum: Current and base stats have a minimum value of 0 (the minimum was previously 5 for DEF and 1 for everything else).
Duplicate Effects: Effects of the same name still do not stack, but their durations overlap; an effect only ends when all instances of it would have expired. Thus, models cannot be "protected" from later applications of an effect (i.e. Blind) by having it applied beforehand.
Combat Action: A model's action during its activation is now referred to as a “Combat Action”.

Abomination: This rule has been removed from the game.
Amphibious: While fully within shallow water, a model with Amphibious gains concealment and does not block LOS.
Assault: Assault is now an advantage, not a special rule. Assault no longer explicitly ignores the "target in melee" modifier, but all attacks (including Assault shots) ignore it if the attacking model is in melee with the target (so an Assault shot into melee from a failed charge no longer ignores the bonus DEF).
Cavalry: Cavalry is now an advantage, not a typeline rule. There is no more “light cavalry”. See Additional Model Rules, below, for more cavalry changes.
Commander: This rule has been removed from the game.
Eyeless Sight: Models with Eyeless Sight no longer ignore forests when determining LOS.
Fearless: This rule has been removed from the game.
Flight: Flight is now an advantage, not a special rule.
Gunfighter: A model with Gunfighter can make ranged attacks against a model engaging it regardless of its own melee RNG (i.e. it can attack a model that has greater melee RNG engaging it without moving to engage that model).
Incorporeal: A model cannot make free strikes while Incorporeal. Incorporeal models are immune to continuous effects and non-Magical damage, and cannot be moved by a push, slam, or throw. When an Incorporeal model makes a melee or ranged attack, it loses Incorporeal until its next activation (not for one round).
Parry: Parry is now an advantage, not a special rule.
Soulless: Soulless is now an advantage, not a special rule.
Standard Bearer: Standard Bearer is now a special rule, not an advantage.
Terror: This rule has been removed from the game.
Tough: Models lose Tough while knocked down.
Immunity: Electricity: Lightning never arcs to models with Immunity: Electricity.

Additional Model Rules
'Jack Marshal: A 'jack marshal can control up to one friendly Faction warjack. Instead of the old “pseudo-focus”, a marshaled 'jack gains one of the following each turn during its activation, as long as its cortex is not crippled and its marshal is not knocked down or stationary: Crush! (additional melee attack, +2 to all melee damage rolls), Hurry! (run, charge, or power attack for free, +2 to charge and slam attack rolls), Strike True! (+2 to all attack rolls), or Take Aim! (must aim, +2 to all ranged damage rolls). Drives are now passive abilities that effect the 'jack while in its marshal's CMD range.
Battle Engines: The Serviceable rule has been removed; battle engines now have damage removed normally based on whether they are constructs, living, or undead.
Cavalry: Cavalry gain boosted charge attack rolls (rather than +2 to hit). All cavalry can make initial attacks with their mounts if they do not charge. Mount attacks are no longer unboostable, except while making impact attacks. If a model is in melee with its charge target when it makes impact attacks, it ends its movement and turns to face the target directly before making the attacks (and so will not continue moving if the target dies). Tall in the Saddle and Ride-By Attack have been removed.
Ranking Officer: A ranking officer cannot be attached to a Mercenary/Minion unit that is a Partisan to its faction (as with Mk.II Allies).
Shield Guard: When a model uses Shield Guard to redirect an AOE attack, the AOE is centered on the Shield Guard.

Weapon Stats
Melee Weapon RNG: Melee weapons now have a range, generally 0.5”, 1”, or 2”.
ROF: Rate of Fire designates the number of initial attacks that can be made with a ranged weapon, not how many additional attacks can be bought.

Weapon Qualities
Blessed: Blessed is now a weapon quality, not a special rule. A weapon with Blessed now ignores DEF and ARM buffs from animi (in addition to other spells).
Chain Weapon: Chain Weapon is now a weapon quality, not a special rule.
Critical Disruption: Critical Disruption is now a weapon quality, not a special rule.
Damage Type: Magical: This is a new weapon quality that has replaced Magical Weapon. Besides the name, it is identical.
Disruption: Disruption is now a weapon quality, not a special rule.
Magical Weapon: This rule has been renamed to Damage Type: Magical.
Reach: The Reach rule has been replaced by printed melee weapon RNG.

Encounter Levels
Unspent Army Points: A valid army can have up to 5 unspent army points (rather than 1).

FA:C Limitations: Character identity (i.e. whether a character model counts as an alternate incarnation of another character model and thus could not be included in a list with that model) is now denoted my its “stat profile name” found above its stat bar followed by a numeral.

Charters and Pacts: Mercenary armies are no longer bound by charters, and Minion armies are no longer bound by pacts. A Mercenary or Minion army can include any models of the appropriate faction, regardless of the faction(s) for which they will work.
Partisans: The Partisan [Faction] special rule indicates Mercenary and Minion models that count as Faction when included in the listed faction's armies. These models count as Friendly Faction models to other models of that faction while in a list made for that faction. While in such a list, they do not count as Mercenary or Minion models. A Warcaster with the Partisan rule can lead either a Mercenary/Minion list or a Partisan Faction list, but its battlegroup must be composed entirely of models from the appropriate faction. The short version: Partisans work similarly to Allies from Mk.II, except that they are Mercenaries and/or Minions by default, rather than in-faction.
Allies: The Ally typeline rule has been replaced with the Partisan special rule.

Theme Forces
Warcasters and Warlocks in Theme Forces: A theme force can be led by any warcaster/warlock of the force's faction or by any warcaster/warlock who is a Partisan to that faction.
Character Warjacks/Warbeasts in Theme Forces: A theme force list led by a particular warcaster/warlock can include any warjack/warbeast with a bond to them, even if that model would not normally be allowed.
Ranking Officers in Theme Forces: Ranking Officers are only allowed in a theme force if both the Officer and the Mercenary/Minion unit to which they are attached are explicitly allowed.

Setup, Deployment, & Victory Conditions
Deployment Zones: A 7” deployment zone for the first player and a 10” deployment zone for the second player are now core rules, not scenario-specific alterations.
Deployment Steps: There is now a list of steps for deploying models, in similar fashion to the list of steps for each in-game Turn Phases.
Pre-Deployment: Huge-based models no longer pre-deploy.

Forfeiting Movement: The rules now specify that a model can choose to forfeit its Normal Movement during its activation, and seem to imply that it can choose to do so even in the absence of an effect that requires or allows it to do so. Merits further investigation (i.e. in the Rules Forum).
Aiming: Models in melee cannot aim.
Charging: Models cannot charge friendly models. A penalty to SPD does not prevent an affected model from charging.
End-of-Activation Movement: If two or more effects would allow a model to move at the end of its activation (such as Reposition and Sprint), the model's controller picks one to apply and disregards any others.

Basic Attacks: “Normal” attacks from Mk.II are now referred to as “Basic Attacks”.
Skill Checks: The skill check mechanic has been removed from the game.
Automatic Hits and Misses: An automatic miss now takes precedence over an automatic hit.
Back Strikes: A model can make a back strike even if it did not start its activation in its target's back arc, as long as it is completely within the back arc when the attack is made.
Power Attack Types: Push, headlock, and weapon lock power attacks have been removed from the game. The rules for two-handed throw power attacks have been combined with the rules for standard throw power attacks.
Power Attack Slam: A huge-based model slamming a smaller model adds +2” to the distance slammed.
Power Attack Sweep: A sweep power attack ignores intervening models and has a range equal to the base RNG of the melee weapon used to make it.
Power Attack Throw: When making the opposed STR check to throw, a model gains an additional die if it has at least two non-crippled Open Fists. The thrower's controller no longer chooses a direction in which to throw; instead, they choose to either throw the model directly away from the thrower or directly toward another model in LOS (ignoring the thrown model). A thrown model now only deviates if it was a) thrown at another model, b) that model was within the thrower's throw range, and c) the attack roll resulted in a miss. A large- or huge-based model no longer throws a small-based model an additional 1".
Power Attack Trample: A model with the Buckler or Shield weapon qualities now benefits from them against trample power attacks, with the same restrictions as Shield Wall.
Power Attacks and Movement Restrictions: Effects that prevent a model from charging no longer automatically prevent it from making slam or trample power attacks.
Elevation Modifiers: The benefits and drawbacks of elevation no longer require that the terrain be at least 1” higher than where the other model is standing; it must simply be considered “elevated” relative to that location. Elevated attackers no longer ignore equal- or smaller-based intervening models within 1" of their targets.
Target in Melee Modifier: The “target in melee” modifier for ranged and magic attacks is now +4 DEF for the target (rather than a -4 penalty to the attack roll). All attacks (ranged and magic) ignore this bonus DEF if the point of origin is in melee with the target.
AOE Deviation: A deviating AOE attack will stop at the table edge.

Replenishing Focus Points: Models with Focus Manipulation remove focus points in excess of their FOCUS stat during the Maintenance Phase (rather than all focus points). In the Control Phase, those models gain focus points to set their total equal to their FOCUS stat.
Overboosting: This mechanic has been replaced with Reinforcing.
Reinforcing: When a warcaster suffers damage, it can spend 1 focus point to reduce that damage by 5, to a minimum of 0 damage. It can do this up to once per instance of damage. The warcaster is still considered to have been damaged by the damaging attack or effect, even if all damage is prevented.

Power Up: During the Control Phase, after focus replenishment but before focus allocation, each warjack in a battlegroup that has a functional cortex and is within its controller's control range gains 1 focus point.
Focus Cap: A warjack can have no more than 3 focus at any time.
Induction: Convergence warjacks do not have Power Up but can induct focus any number of times during their activations.
Crippled Movement: A warjack with a crippled movement system has its base DEF reduced to 5 (instead of 7). A crippled movement system now explicitly prevents making slam or trample power attacks (rather than doing so because crippled movement prevents charging, which was necessary for a slam or trample).
Removing Force Field Damage: When a model with a force field spends focus to remove damage from the field, remove d3 + 1 points (instead of d3).
Destroyed Warjacks: A warjack no longer leaves a wreck marker when it is destroyed.
Inert Warjacks: An inert warjack is longer considered stationary, though it follows the same rules as a stationary model. It no longer loses its special abilities, but cannot use abilities that could not be used while stationary (i.e. Counter-Charge or Shield Guard). A warcaster reactivates an inert warjack by spending a focus point while B2B with it at any time during the warcaster's activation. 'Jack marshals still forfeit their Combat Action. A reactivated warjack now only forfeits its Combat Action the turn it is reactivated, rather than its entire activation.
Autonomos Warjacks: Taking control of an autonomous warjack works the same way as reactivating an inert one. A warcaster must spend a focus point while B2B with the autonomous 'jack at any time during the warcaster's activation. 'Jack marshals forfeit their Combat Action while B2B. An autonomous warjack now forfeits its Combat Action the turn it is reactivated.

Rage-Fuelled: Monstrosities do not have Power Up but gain a focus point each time they take damage from an attack or continuous effect.
Focus Removal: Unlike warjacks, monstrosities do not lose their focus points during the Maintenance Phase.
Warcaster Destruction: When a Cephalyx warcaster is destroyed, its monstrosities become autonomous (rather than inert).

Spirit Bond: After leeching, a warlock can gain up to 1 fury point for each medium-based or larger warbeast in its battlegroup that has been destroyed or removed from play. It can't exceed its FURY by doing this. If a warbeast returns to play, its warlock can no longer gain fury from the warlock's Spirit Bond with it.
Reaving: A warlock can reave fury points from warbeasts that get removed from play (in addition to destroyed warbeasts).

Frenzying: A frenzying warbeast activates, shakes all shakeable effects without being forced, and charges directly toward the nearest model (friendly or enemy) in its LOS for free and tries to enter B2B contact. It then attacks with its highest-POW weapon that has range to the target. Its attack roll is automatically boosted. Then its activation ends and it can remove any amount of fury. Warbeasts ignore effects that would require them to forfeit their Normal Movement or Combat Action when they frenzy.
Animi: Animi are now considered to be spells.

Model Damage & Destruction
Corpse Tokens: Undead models generate corpse (but not soul) tokens by default.
Healing: Healing is no longer distinct from other means of having damage removed. The term has been removed from rules text.

Miscellaneous Effects
Cloud Effects: A model must be completely within a cloud effect to gain concealment from it.
Knockdown: A knocked down model can be moved by a slam.
Stationary: A stationary model cannot be used to channel spells.
Falling: A falling model takes damage equal to 2d6 + 12 + 1d6 per 2" fallen after the first, rounded up (up from 2d6 + 10 + 1d6 per 3").
Command Tests, Fleeing, and Rallying: These mechanics have been removed from the game.

Field Promotion: A Grunt that is promoted to a Leader must forfeit its Combat Action that turn, but is not prevented from making attacks that turn that occur outside of its Combat Action (i.e. free strikes). If a Leader is destroyed while under an opponent's control or is removed from play, field promotion does not occur.
Unit Attachments: Unit attachments are now called “command attachments”.
Weapon Attachments: A unit can have up to three weapon attachments. Weapon attachments are added individually, rather than as a variable-sized group.
Granted Abilities: Granted abilities only function while granting model is in formation.
Formation: A friendly model can target model in a unit with out-of-formation members with spells and abilities, but cannot target the out-of-formation members.
Press Forward Order: This is the new name for the order that allows models in a unit to run or charge.

DUR: The Duration (DUR) of a spell replaces the UP column on spell cards. It will indicate if a spell lasts for a TURN, a RND (round), or is UP (an upkeep).

Discussions Générales / Re : Et le Steamroller 2016?
« le: 02 novembre 2015 à 16:39:59 »
Clair, le format Champions a beaucoup d'arguments pour plaire, et notamment les bons vieux "best painter" etc etc :)

IRON WEEK / Re : Dimanche 25 direction iron week
« le: 24 octobre 2015 à 11:45:52 »
Plop, Vincent. Moi, très probablement, mais en fin d'AM seulement...


Présent, et du coup, comme y aura deux listes, y aura deux équipes FBJ ^^


Tournois & Manifestations / Re : [Paris] [27-28/02/2016] [x3] APAV5
« le: 22 octobre 2015 à 17:17:58 »
Tous les parisiens qui skient un peu l'ont profond avec cette date, qui tombe pile entre les deux semaines deux vacances... Sans moi, en tout cas :( Snif, j'aime bien Boulogne moi :)

IRON WEEK / Un événement au top !
« le: 21 octobre 2015 à 11:50:25 »
Bonjour à tous.

Bon, ce petit mot pour vous dire qu'il faut y aller les gens ! Une si belle salle avec une équipe aux petits oignons, des tables de jeu impec, ça mérite de déplacer les foules :) Certes c'est loin, mais pour le coup, le cadre est magnifique ! Et puis, allez voir les yeux d'Aude ;)

Merci à Guillaume et à toute l'équipe !

Bon jeu et à vendredi soir :)

IRON WEEK / Re : Pass non reçu ?
« le: 19 octobre 2015 à 17:26:04 »
Rhoo ces gros spammeurs  ;D Ceci étant, j'aimerai bien savoir pourquoi vous n'aimez pas T3 ? top système, quasi universel (en terme de systèmes de jeux) et surtout européen ^^

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