Tiens, vlà les carac' finales de ton caster après les neuf mois de CID :
Iris1, the Neversleeping Child
SPD 4 STR 4 MAT - RAT 4 DEF 14 ARM 10 CMD 10
Damage boxes: 10
* Baby Cries: ranged attack icon - RNG CMD POW - magic icon
This model makes an attack roll against every living models in its CMD. Models hit suffers Shadow Bind for one round. Ignore concealment, cover, elevation, stealth and line of sight when making the attack rolls with this weapon.
WB: +22 pts
Annoyance - Living enemy models within 1" of this model suffer -1 to all attack rolls.
Cute Little Being - When this model is targeted by any non-souless living warrior model, the model must roll 2d6. If the result is superior or equal to the model's CMD, the model can't attack this model.
Angry Parents - Once per turn, when this model is damaged by an enemy model, chose one of the Parents model to make a full advance toward the enemy model and a basic melee or range attack at it. Attack and damage rolls are boosted.
* Burp - COST 2 RNG SP 8 POW 12
Models hit by this spell suffer -2 DEF for one round.
* Filled Diaper - COST 3 RNG 8 AOE 3 POW 13
Living models hit by Filled Diaper suffer -2 ARM for one round.
* Strenght of the Resigned - COST 3 RNG 6 UP
Target living friendly Faction models/unit gain Undead, Sacred Ward, Steady, Sturdy and Tough, but must run or charge each activation.
Feat - Restless Night (of Doom)
All enemy living models currently within this model's CTRL range are pushed 2" directly away and knocked-down. Living models that cannot become knocked-down suffers -3 DEF. Affected models can't make any free-strike this turn.
Xanntrey1, Father of the Electric Torment - Parent model
SPD 6 STR 7 MAT 7 RAT 5 DEF 13 ARM 15 CMD 8
Damages boxes: 8
* Electrician Tools x2: melee attack icon - RNG 2 POW 3 P+S 10 - Weapon Master icon, magic icon, electrical damage icon.
Angry Sparks - When a model is hit by this weapon, a lightning arcs to the nearest model within 4" of the model hit, ignoring this model. The model the lightning arc to suffer an unboostable POW 10 electrical damage roll. Lightning arc damage rolls are not considered to have been caused by an enemy attack. Resolve lightning arc damage rolls simultaneously with the damage resulting from the attack that caused the leap.
* Beer Bottle: ranged attack icon - ROF 1 RNG 6 POW -
Conductivity - When a model hit by this attack suffers an electrical damage roll during the turn it has been hit by this weapon, add an additionnal die to the damage rolls.
Dual attack - This model can make melee and ranged attacks in the same activation. When this model makes its initial melee attacks or a power attack, it can also make its initial ranged attacks. This model can make ranged attacks even while in melee.
Don't touch my girl! - Once per game, at any time during this model's activation, it can use Don't touch my girl! This model gain Rapid Strike and all his melee attack become Thresher and this model's attack and damage rolls are boosted against male living enemy models. Don't touch my girl! lasts for one turn.
Relentless charge
Justine1, Teacher of the Forbidden - Parent model
SPD 7 STR 6 MAT 6 RAT 8 DEF 15 ARM 13 CMD 8
Damage boxes: 5
* Red Pen of Terror: melee attack icon - RNG 0.5 POW 2 P+S 8 - Weapon Master icon, magic icon, blessed icon
Grievous Wounds
Persecution - When this model kills an enemy living warrior model, it can advance up to 1" to the closest model and then must make another melee attack against the closest model.
* 30 Rubbish Essays: ranged attack icon - ROF 1d3+1 RNG 10 POW 4 P+S 10 - magic icon, cold damage icon
Grievous Wounds
A living enemy model hit by this weapon becomes stationnary for one round unless it has Cold immunity.
Learn your lessons! - Once per game, at any time during its activation, this model can use Learn your lessons!. The ROF of 30 Rubbish Essays becomes 4, and all ranged attacks targetting enemy warrior models are boosted. Learn your lessons! lasts one turn.
Sinon, ma Chérie a dit "ah merde, le pauvre !" quand on a vu ton SMS (t'as pas idée de m'envoyer des SMS à des heures aussi indues ?! :/ ). Ce à quoi je rajoute : t'en prends pour 20 ans, mec, sans sursis, sans réduction de peine et avec possibilité d'avoir des années supplémentaires pour mauvaise conduite. En commençant par la période des nuits-qui-ne-se-font-pas, puis la crise de la petite enfance (2-4 ans, un avant-goût de la crise d'ado), suivie de la crise de l'enfance (7-9 ans, la suite de la première), et enfin la crise d'adolescence (13-? ans, où ta petite Iris sera comme lors de ses deux premières crises, mais en pire.
Nettement, pire.). On rajoute à ça les tracas liés à la scolarité(*), les ennuis relationnels divers et variés (attend un peu qu'elle te ramène son premier p'tit copain à la maison ^^) et plein d'autres choses que je te laisse le loisir de découvrir. Courage !
(*)Blague à part, si j'ai un conseil à te donner (en tant que prof') : ne laisse pas Iris sur écran plat/tactile (smartphone, tablette etc.) avant ses 13-14 ans. Pour deux raisons :
- ça va bousiller la partie du cerveau qui permet de correctement voir en perspective (véridique, hein. Ca fait quelques années que mes élèves n'ont plus de vision de la perspective et la raison principale en est l'exposition aux écrans de ce type) ;
- ça lui évitera aussi plein d'emmerdes sur les réseaux sociaux (ou alors apprends-lui à bien s'en servir. Vraiment. T'imagines pas le nombre de gosses qui subissent des tas d'horreurs à cause de leur mauvaise utilisation des réseaux sociaux...).
Que Justine se repose bien surtout. Après tout, c'est elle qui a fait tout le travail !