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Force generator gets 2 range when aiming, the option of 1d3+1 shots and a "up to POW 16 aoe 4" shot.
More details, the POW 16 shot on the Force Generator is called Blasted Earth. Also at some point Strakhov has occultation up stopping the FG from targeting it.The battle engine base is called "huge".They have to deployed first.They don't concealment, cover, elevation and forest and clouds don't block los to them.Can't be slammed, pushed, thrown, kd or made stationary.They have pathfinder and can be repaired.The weapon platform rule is on the battlewagon and is not part of the general battle engine rules.
Je rêve ou il parle de 1D3+1 galette POW 16 AOE4!!!
mais 10pts le mortier quand même !
Avec des mecs comme toi, on vendrait plus de fleurs que d'armes. Et moi, je suis allergique au pollen!